Care Act – Review of care and support plans
Topics include: Support plan, Requested reviews and Unplanned reviews.
The local authority is under an ongoing duty to keep the person’s plan under review generally, and to ensure that their needs continue to be met. Plans are reviewed periodically, involving the person concerned and agreeing any necessary changes.
Learn about the different reviews and care and support plans with this short, informative course.
This course covers how the local authority is under an ongoing duty to keep the person’s plan under review generally, and to ensure that their needs continue to be met. We will go over how to review the plan periodically, involve the person and agree any necessary changes.
- Know how to undertake a review of the care and support plan, or support plan
- Understand planned and unplanned reviews
- Know how to enact requested reviews
- Understand how to revise the care and support plan
- Review of Care and Support Plans
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