When the National Museums Liverpool (NML) decided to switch the majority of their work-based learning online two years ago, little did they know that there would be a pandemic around the corner. This innovative approach to training provided a lifeline for employees to help them remain engaged when the seven museums and galleries were forced to close and it proved so successful that it is now fully embedded into the way learning is approached by the 650 employees each month.
Online learning powered by Me Learning is now the foundation of a blended learning solution used across the seven museums and galleries, to keep the skills and knowledge of employees up-to-date. Every employee is encouraged to undertake mandatory compliance training on different topics once a month during protected learning time known locally as Me Learning Monday. There is flexibility for employees to complete the training on another day if they work part time or have other priorities but by scheduling online training at a time when the museums and galleries are closed to the public this has dramatically increased engagement.
National Museums Liverpool incorporates:
- International Slavery Museum
- Lady Lever Art Gallery
- Maritime Museum
- Museum of Liverpool
- Sudley House
- Walker Art Gallery
- World Museum
The solution More than 650 employees working across the seven museums and galleries in Liverpool City Region have unlimited access to over 60 different courses, many on compliance topics provided by Me Learning. The organisation is also supported by Me Learning to deliver their own in-house training via Me Learning’s learning management system (LMS). All online courses can be accessed securely at any time from any computer or device with internet access.
Under the arrangement employees:
- Have access to an extensive library of over 60 courses, specifically for the charities and public sector, developed by Me Learning and our partners.
- Have access to courses developed by NML and hosted by Me Learning
- Use Me Learning’s own learning management system to track all training undertaken by employees
During 2022, NML hopes to extend access to regular volunteers working with the museum to reengage this volunteer workforce.
The result Over a two year period employees have:
- Completed more than 10,000 hours of online learning
- Completed 8950 courses
- Completed an average of 14 courses per learner
- Logged into the Me Learning platform at a rate of an average of 19 learners per day.
The most popular course accessed by learners during this time was the Returning to Work Safely (Covid 19) course developed in house by NML which was completed by 562 learners.
Mark Davies, Director of People, National Museums Liverpool said: “Before the pandemic, many people considered online training as second best to the face-to-face alternatives. But by experiencing high quality online training and becoming more familiar with using online technology, our employees have been well and truly won over.
We find online learning particularly great for compliance topics because we know that all learners are getting a consistent approach. Our partnership with Me Learning has been so successful we are seeing more people enjoying learning and building the skills and knowledge that they need to do their jobs to the best of their ability and satisfy many of their personal development needs as well.” For further enquiries, contact Anne Egede at enquiries@melearning.co.uk or 01273 499 100.