Dementia awareness
£25.00 Excl. VATDementia can’t be cured – however, we can make life for those who have it as manageable as possible. We cover ways to communicate, simple adjustments to make around the home, and how carers can access support.
Whether you are working in a specialist role in education, non-profit, health, with a council or in a voluntary setting, our range of safeguarding courses help protect children and adults from harm.
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Dementia can’t be cured – however, we can make life for those who have it as manageable as possible. We cover ways to communicate, simple adjustments to make around the home, and how carers can access support.
More than 3m people in the UK have been diagnosed with diabetes. Of these about 270,000 have type 2 diabetes and around 300,000 have type 1 diabetes. Just as importantly, approximately 850,000 people in the UK have undiagnosed type 2 diabetes.
Our diabetes online course will equip you with a greater understanding of the challenges around the condition and how it can be effectively managed.
In this course you will understand and learn how to identify domestic abuse, the different forms domestic abuse takes, and about coercive control. You’ll also understand how you, local authorities and the law can protect victims of domestic abuse.
If you work with young people and families, you’ll know how important effective communication with children can be. Good communication builds trust and can make a real difference to how effectively services are delivered and their long-term success.
This course will help you sharpen your skills and deepen your knowledge around effective communication with children and families.
Emotional abuse of children is the most common form of abuse – and the effects can be just as damaging to the victim as physical violence. However, without visible evidence such as bruising and injury; or disclosure from the child or parent, it can be particularly difficult to identify the signs.
Female genital mutilation (FGM) has been a criminal offence in the UK since 1985. But there’s a growing issue around British children being taken abroad by UK nationals for FGM, something which was additionally outlawed in 2003. The NSPCC estimates there are around 137,000 women and girls affected by FGM in England and Wales.
This course covers everything relating to FGM over four informative modules.
Use of the assessment framework provides evidence to help, guide and inform judgements about children’s welfare and safety from the first point of contact, through the processes of assessment, planning and review.
Gangs are intertwined with youth violence and criminality. It is essential we recognise the extent of the problem and understand how to safeguard our at-risk youth.
This course will provide an awareness of what a hate crime and hate incident is and how prevalent hate crimes are.
Parental substance misuse, mental ill-health and domestic abuse can all have a huge impact on a child’s safety and wellbeing. These hidden harms can threaten a child’s feeling of security and create challenging long-term problems.
This course will help you learn ways to reduce the likelihood of a child in your care suffering this hidden harm.
This course will explore self-neglect, safeguarding vulnerable adults and scams.
How much do you know about the issues of honour-based violence and forced marriage? This abuse is often used as a means of control, with the cycle beginning when victims are children and continuing into adult life.
One of the biggest problems is that if the victims are not getting the right support from the authorities then they may feel unable to make a complaint.
This course gives learners an overview of the Human Rights Act, and highlights those Articles which should be of interest to staff working in adult social care, or the health sector.
Modern day slavery takes many forms, whether labour and criminal exploitation or sexual; and can be a bewildering and complex subject to get to grips with.
This comprehensive online human trafficking course will help you to spot the signs of modern slavery and explain how to respond if you think someone you know is a victim.
Lead Professionals play a key role for children and their families, as the single point of contact for coordinating provision of a range of services.
Learn about the role of a lead professional and the importance of the Continuum of Need in this short, informative course.
Loneliness and isolation can affect anyone, highlighting the universal nature of these experiences.
This interactive and engaging course tackles the tough subject of loss and bereavement.
Are you certain that the decisions you are making are in the best interests of the people in your care; especially when they are vulnerable? Are you up to speed on where the law stands regarding these decisions?
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 outlines the things you need to research, consider and assess before you make choices based on mental capacity.
The Mental Health Act is the main piece of legislation that outlines the assessments and rights of people with mental health issues. This course covers important aspects of the Mental Health Act, providing knowledge of the guiding principles underpinning mental health, and how to care for people who are going to be sectioned, have been sectioned, or are leaving hospital.
This course provides the learner with an understanding of Government Statutory Guidance on missing children protocol. It gives the learner the confidence to know what to do when a child or young person goes missing from care, what to do when they come back, and how to prevent repeat cases all the while supporting the child and their family.
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