Showing 61–80 of 102 results

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Effective multi-agency working in health and social care depends on everyone concerned having a clear understanding of multi-agency initiatives (such as MASH and MARAC) and a good working knowledge of the legislation and guidance available.
If you’re working in a role that routinely demands multi-agency working, then this course will provide informative, useful guidance that will make your work easier.

£25.00 Excl. VAT
Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs such that it is likely to result in the serious impairment of health or development. It’s also the most common form of child abuse.
If you work with children and families, you can educate yourself in how to spot the signs with this neglect online course.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Children are more engaged with the internet than ever before. But with this increased reliance on the internet for knowledge and entertainment comes an increased risk to those young people using it. E-safety training is essential for you if you’re working with young people.
It’s important that you know the potential risks and learn how to help children to remain safe on the internet. This short e-learning course will equip you with the insight to encourage responsible online behaviour and protect children.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
This module covers the best way for parents and carers help their children be safe online.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
In this course we cover what causes Parkinson’s, what the symptoms look like, and how it can be managed.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Physical abuse can have a long-lasting and damaging effect on an individual. But children are very rarely abused by strangers. In fact, abusers are more likely to be someone who comes into close, regular contact.
Abusers can be teachers, next-door neighbours or a member of the family and this can make it harder for children to want to disclose.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Private fostering is a crucial part of taking care of many young people in the UK. In this course, we’ll explore what private fostering means and the laws related to it.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
The importance of establishing and maintaining professional boundaries whilst working with adults at risk.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
The importance of establishing and maintaining professional boundaries when working with children and young people.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Work with adults at risk? Got responsibilities for adult safeguarding (as either a professional adviser or operational/strategic manger)?
This informative and wide-ranging course will help you identify risk, learn the importance of prevention, and determine appropriate intervention.
This course complies with Level 1 Social Care and Levels 1 & 2 Healthcare.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Are you up to speed with your adult safeguarding responsibilities?
According to NHS Digital figures, in 2015-16 there were more than 100,000 individuals with enquiries under Section 42 of the Care Act, which means that almost everyone working in a care context will encounter adult safeguarding concerns in their daily lives.

£30.00 Excl. VAT
Do you know what to do if you suspect someone is a victim of abuse? If you’re working with vulnerable adults, it’s important that you’re able to spot the signs.
The right actions could save a life. From the basics through to referring someone you suspect is a victim of abuse to ensure they receive the right care, this Safeguarding Adults – levels 1 and 2 course bundle has it all.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Some of the topics we cover in this course are types of abuse that an adult might face, how to respond to a concern, safeguarding duties and when it is OK to share information.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
We explore radicalisation and how it connects with extremism and terrorism, including how the internet can influence and indoctrinate vulnerable people. We explore the Government’s increased powers, and who they affect.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Abuse can take place in any setting and it often goes unnoticed and unreported. Even if you don’t work directly with children or vulnerable adults, you might still be in a position where you can help prevent or stop abuse.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Would you be able to spot abuse of a child or vulnerable adult? Even if you don’t work directly with children or vulnerable adults, you may be in a position where you can help prevent or stop abuse.
If you work in Higher Education and want a good understanding of safeguarding in a HE setting, this short course is ideal.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Whether you’re a caretaker, teacher or manager, if you’re working with children it’s essential your safeguarding knowledge is up to date. The right awareness and action could make a real difference to a young person’s life. This safeguarding course is specifically designed for anyone working in education.

£30.00 Excl. VAT
If you work in education, you may at some point have to make safeguarding referrals to police or children’s social care. This course prepares you for such incidences.
Combining safeguarding levels 1 and 2, this is a comprehensive programme covering the key elements of the safeguarding children process in an easy-to-understand format.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
If you work in any public-facing role in a healthcare environment, it’s vital that you know how to spot the warning signs of abuse and neglect, particularly in children.
Based on content from the 2006 Safeguarding Children and Young People: roles and competences for healthcare Staff Directive, this course help you spot the signs of child mistreatment and neglect and enable to you be sure you’re raising concerns appropriately.

£30.00 Excl. VAT
Do you work with children? Are you confident you can make safeguarding referrals for the children in your care? Do you need to brush up your child protection legislation knowledge?
This Safeguarding Children Level 1 and 2 course will give you a thorough and clear overview of modern child protection principles – a must-have for anyone working with young people.
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