Showing 21–40 of 59 results

  • Care Act – Transition to adulthood

    £20.00 Excl. VAT

    Growing up is hard. Within the Care Act, the term “transition” is used to refer to the progression from childhood to adulthood. It’s an essential part of human life and experience and the transition to adulthood (t2a) can be a time of celebration and change.

    But it can also be a huge challenge for young people, especially as the world has changed so much for them from the one which their parents or families grew up in.

  • Care Act 2014 – Full training suite

    £120.00 Excl. VAT

    2014’s Care Act legislation saw a number of previous laws replaced with one, clearer, more comprehensive act.

    Comprising of 12 modules, it can be a daunting subject to learn about – that’s why we’ve developed a series of e-learning modules to break it down and make it easier to consume.

  • Care certificate – Digital learning suite

    £35.00 Excl. VAT

    The Care Certificate was introduced in order to raise the standard of care of elderly and vulnerable people in our society. It set out a 15-standard programme of care training for care workers, replacing the Common Induction Standards (CIS) and the National Minimum Training Standards (NMTS).

    In this training suite, you’ll get all the theoretical knowledge you need to underpin the practical demonstration elements of your care certificate standards training or social worker training.

  • Care certificate Assessor Training

    £25.00 Excl. VAT

    Is your organisation currently undertaking Care Certificate training? If so, your assessors will need to be trained on how to effectively evaluate your employees against the 15 Care Certificate standards. This Skills for Care endorsed assessor training covers all the key topics.

  • Dementia awareness

    £25.00 Excl. VAT

    Dementia can’t be cured – however, we can make life for those who have it as manageable as possible. We cover ways to communicate, simple adjustments to make around the home, and how carers can access support.

  • Deprivation of liberty safeguards

    £25.00 Excl. VAT

    The Deprivation of Liberty Act protects the most vulnerable individuals in hospitals and care homes. It plays an important role in preventing the unlawful deprivation of liberty occurring. The MCA DoLS (The Mental Capacity Act: Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards) framework offers safeguards for the people who most need it and principles of conduct for anyone working with vulnerable people. If you are in a care profession, it is crucial that you understand them.

  • Diabetes awareness

    £20.00 Excl. VAT

    More than 3m people in the UK have been diagnosed with diabetes. Of these about 270,000 have type 2 diabetes and around 300,000 have type 1 diabetes. Just as importantly, approximately 850,000 people in the UK have undiagnosed type 2 diabetes.

    Our diabetes online course will equip you with a greater understanding of the challenges around the condition and how it can be effectively managed.

  • Duty of care for health and social care

    £25.00 Excl. VAT

    A duty of care is “A moral or legal obligation to ensure the safety or well-being of others”. It’s an obligation well understood by employers and parents – and in health and social care it’s of particular importance. This short course will prepare you for all the different factors you need to consider when you your health or social care role includes an explicit duty of care.

  • Eating disorders

    £20.00 Excl. VAT

    Over a million people in the UK have an eating disorder. This course looks at what eating disorders are, and who is likely to be affected.

  • Effective communication for health and social care

    £20.00 Excl. VAT

    Effective communication in healthcare is vital – patients need to be able to make important decisions about their care, and they also need the comfort and dignity that comes from the people involved in their care provision taking the time to communicate properly. When you’re dealing with potentially vulnerable or challenging individuals, it’s more important than ever.

    This course gives you all that you need to build your understanding of what makes effective communication and how you can apply it to your work.

  • Epilepsy awareness

    £20.00 Excl. VAT

    Do you know what to do if someone you work with or employ suffers an epileptic seizure? Would you be able to recognise an epileptic seizure? Did you know there are more than 40 different types – and what they look like can vary?

    Epilepsy courses are a great way to get to grips with the basics; and this course gives an interesting overview of epilepsy and its effects, the way people with epilepsy must make adjustments to their lives and details the key considerations for dealing with someone suffering a seizure.

  • Equality and diversity in health and social care

    £20.00 Excl. VAT

    Workplace equality is a right for all employees and challenging it when it’s not in place is important. If you work in health and social care, you’re particularly likely to encounter people from a wide range of backgrounds and some of these people will need your support to promote adequate equality and inclusion. Cultural awareness training can help clarify the areas in which some people struggle in the workplace.

  • Falls and fracture prevention

    £20.00 Excl. VAT

    Falls cost the NHS an estimated £2.3 billion each year, and are the leading cause of death from injury among people aged 65 or older in England.

  • Fluids and nutrition for health and social care

    £25.00 Excl. VAT

    Having a sufficient amount of fluids and good nutrition is crucial for maintaining health. If you’re involved in the care of vulnerable adults, you should be able to recognise when a person is not eating or drinking properly.

    In this six-module course, you’ll develop a full understanding of the importance of proper fluids and nutrition to general health.

  • Handling information for health and social care

    £20.00 Excl. VAT

    The importance of good recording, storage of information, and knowing when to share information are described using everyday scenarios in this two module overview course.

    If you have a role or responsibility at work within a health or social care setting, this course is for you.

  • Hate crime

    £20.00 Excl. VAT

    This course will provide an awareness of what a hate crime and hate incident is and how prevalent hate crimes are.

  • Health and safety for health and social care

    £25.00 Excl. VAT

    In the workplace, everyone has a responsibility to minimise risks to the health and safety of both themselves and others.

    This 11 module course covers the elements you need to know to work safely in your health or social care role.

  • Hoarding and scamming

    £20.00 Excl. VAT

    This course will explore self-neglect, safeguarding vulnerable adults and scams.

  • Infection prevention and control for health and social care

    £20.00 Excl. VAT

    If you’re working with adults who may be ill or vulnerable to infection then you need to be particularly vigilant in infection control. But why is infection control important?

    NICE (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) estimates that 300,000 patients a year in England acquire a healthcare-associated infection as a result of care within the NHS.

    Infection control in hospitals and care homes is therefore critical: it harms patients who are already vulnerable and costs healthcare institutions too.

  • Information governance for health

    £25.00 Excl. VAT

    In healthcare, we are responsible for collecting, using, storing, processing and deciding the purpose of processing personal data.

    As the amount of data collected, created and stored continues to increase, the need to protect it is even more important.

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