Showing 41–59 of 59 results

£25.00 Excl. VAT
Responsible information sharing is key to delivering better and more efficient services; coordinated around the needs of children, young people and families. It’s especially important in light of new data privacy regulations.
In this information sharing training course you’ll learn about the sharing process and when to impart information; and visit some likely scenarios.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Keeping good records is an essential part of a structured and safe approach to working with vulnerable adults, children, young people and their families.
Good records management not only demonstrates the practical application of your knowledge and skills, it provides evidence of your work activity and helps keep those in your care safe.
This course gives good record keeping guidance for anyone working in social care.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
According to the NHS, more than 1.08 billion prescription items were dispensed overall in 2015, a 1.8 per cent increase on the previous year.
Effectively managing and safely handling this medication is crucial to the health and wellbeing of those who rely on it on a daily basis.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Are you certain that the decisions you are making are in the best interests of the people in your care; especially when they are vulnerable? Are you up to speed on where the law stands regarding these decisions?
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 outlines the things you need to research, consider and assess before you make choices based on mental capacity.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
The Mental Health Act is the main piece of legislation that outlines the assessments and rights of people with mental health issues. This course covers important aspects of the Mental Health Act, providing knowledge of the guiding principles underpinning mental health, and how to care for people who are going to be sectioned, have been sectioned, or are leaving hospital.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
If you work in health and social care it’s important to have a good grounding in the key areas of mental health, dementia and learning disability. This course addresses each of these topics separately, along with presenting strategies that allow health professionals to help these individuals to live as they choose.

£25.00 Excl. VAT
Completion of this course ensures that staff are trained in up-to-date, relevant information when it comes to moving and positioning people.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) is the care package arranged by the NHS for people who aren’t in hospital and who have been determined to have a primary health need.
Eligible people can receive CHC in a variety of settings, including in their own home or a care home. A good care package can make the difference between a full and partial recovery.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Palliative care is a compassionate, patient-centred approach to alleviate suffering and enhance the quality of life for individuals with serious, life-limiting, or terminal illnesses.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
In this course we cover what causes Parkinson’s, what the symptoms look like, and how it can be managed.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Privacy and dignity is something that we take for granted.
When you are caring for someone, however, it can be challenging to respect their privacy and dignity whilst supporting them with day to day activities.
In this course, we demonstrate how you can maintain privacy and dignity in a health and social care setting.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Reablement is a free service that helps people learn or re-learn the skills necessary for daily living.
Upon successful completion of this Reablement course you will know what reablement is and the benefits of reablement.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Get a grip of the basic principles of safeguarding for adults with this short course aimed at health and social care professionals.
If you’re working in elderly protective services or just need a grounding in safeguarding adults procedures, this course will help you understand how to recognise and prevent abuse of vulnerable adults in a health or social care setting.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Strokes are a critical medical emergency, affecting millions of lives worldwide.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Substance misuse is a complex issue, affecting not only the individuals involved but their friends, families and the people they come into contact with.
Substance abuse can result in lowered educational outcomes, compromised health and danger to the public and affect not only the user but the people around them too.

£30.00 Excl. VAT
In this course we’ll explore what domestic abuse looks like, how prevalent male domestic abuse is, what the ‘inclusive approach’ is and how you can improve your response to male domestic abuse victims.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
An interactive and informative course to help you understand your rights, responsibilities and working relationships.
Ideal for anyone who is new to healthcare, adult social care, or who is providing direct care.
And the quiz, videos and flowcharts make the course easy, engaging and enjoyable.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
Working in a person centred way means, at its heart, thinking about the patient as more than a bundle of needs. A patient has values and principles.
They will also have intensely personal approaches – things which they love and things which annoy them. And they will have immediate needs for comfort which may go beyond the medical care pathway.
Thinking about those personal aspects is a tried-and-tested way to minimise pain and discomfort of the people in your care.

£20.00 Excl. VAT
If you’re planning to further your career in health and social care, some upskilling from time to time might be required. Having a personal development plan (PDP) in place allows you to identify where you want to be and how you can achieve it.
This course uses case studies, personal development plan examples and videos to show you how to set workplace goals, expand your core skills and discover what you can gain from supervision and feedback.
It’s the difference between just going to work each day – and having a career plan which could see you go places!
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